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Our family programs are a response to a society that seeks to weaken the bonds of family. Blessed Michael McGivney’s vision for family life was not only financial and material aid but also spiritual strength, as holiness is the calling of all baptized Christians. Put plainly, the majority of our time is easily spent in secular circles unless we intentionally create ways to live the domestic church. These programs help us to live this call. For Family program resources, visit

Demonstrating our Dedication to Family

Family Programs

The Supreme Council has designated certain programs as featured programs (*) in each of the program categories. When we conduct a featured program and satisfy the associated requirements, we will receive two credits toward the program category.

Food For Families *

Help end hunger in communities across North America and around the globe.

Council and parish families will raise funds to support their local food pantries, food banks and soup kitchens. For every $500 or 1,000 pounds of food donated, the Supreme Council will refund $100 back to the council — up to a maximum of $500 per council per fraternal year. Though in-kind donation of food is valuable, leaders of hunger-relief organizations often comment that financial contributions can be stretched even further and allow nonprofits to procure the exact items needed by the organization and its clients.

How we help end hunger

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Family of the Month/Year *

Promote and support the development of strong and vibrant families.

Each month, the council Family of the Month committee selects one parish family that models Christian family values and visibly lives them every day. Each council establishes a committee to recognize a deserving Family of the Month and Family of the Year. Each participating council also selects one of the previous twelve Family of the Month winners to represent the council/parish as the potential international Family of the Year. The Knights of Columbus Family of the Year is chosen by the Supreme Council and recognized each year at the annual Supreme Convention. !  [See All]

Honoring Outstanding Service: Knights and Families of the Month

Family Fully Alive *

The Family Fully Alive monthly devotions are concrete ways that Knights of Columbus can support the growth of holy and loving families in the Church.

The Family Fully Alive program asks families to invite God into their homes and cultivates each family as a miniature domestic church. Using the Family Fully Alive Booklet (#10162) as a devotional guide, this program provides monthly themes, reflections, meditations, and group projects. Through prayer and reflection, each family has the opportunity to grow in holiness together. This is a flexible program that can be started at any time of the year. Councils will order booklets and encourage families to use the booklets.

How we develop holy and loving families

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Family Prayer Night *

Strengthen the bonds within our parishes and build faith-filled families.

Catholics often struggle with the reality that they do not have the opportunity to socialize and/or pray with other faith-filled Catholic families. Family Prayer Night is an opportunity for children to be exposed to regular people living their faith in a casual setting. This is an opportunity for council members, their families, and the whole parish community to come together once a month for an evening of prayer, dinner and fellowship.

How we strengthen families

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Additional Programs

Additional programs include:

  • Keep Christ in Christmas
  • Family Week
  • Consecration to the Holy Family
  • Good Friday Family Promotion

Other ways we grow in faith

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Family Director

Contact me for more information or to help!

Gabe Perez

Gabe Perez

Family Director

Responsible for all family-based council programs