Elected Officers of Council 8909
Each year the council elects and appoints new men to take on leadership roles within our council. The following Knights were elected at the June General Meeting for the upcoming 2024-25 fiscal year. Congratulate them on their commitment to service.

Bart Keller
Grand Knight
I moved to Colorado in 2012 and joined the Knights of Columbus 8909 in 2013 to become more involved with my church and community. I became a 4th degree Knight in 2016 and slowly advanced my way up the leadership ladder of our Council, because I saw a need and a call to serve. This has been a blessing for me!

Andrew Riedel
Outside Guard
The KoC gives me a greater sense of inclusion in the Parish Family. It has provided me with opportunities to build relationships with people who share my same beliefs and to donate my time to causes that give back to the local community in ways that other organizations cannot. In total, the KoC brings me closer to faith.
Appointed Positions
The following roles are appointed, either by the Bishop, the Grand Knight, or the Council and Trustees.

Marty Hodits
Financial Secretary
The financial secretary is chosen by the trustees and the officers of the council for a three-year term and approved by the supreme knight. He provides continuity in the council and has the responsibility of collecting dues as well as ensuring that the council's financial recordings are kept up to date

Rick Zellen
Membership Director
I joined the Knights of Columbus over 30 years ago while in college. The Council at St. Francis is the most welcoming and active council I've ever experienced. Joining this council over a decade ago has led to great friendships and a strong sense of belonging. I took on a leadership role because there was a need, and I was willing to step in and help.
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Jayme Sanford
Knights of Columbus Insurance
PO Box 4771
Greenwood Village, CO 80155