The Knights of Columbus defends the dignity of each human being at every stage of life. Knights work together to build a culture of life and a civilization of love. Your council should stand ready to assist any pregnant woman in need, care for the elderly, aid the handicapped, empower those with special needs to realize their full potential, and bring attention to the injustices of abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and assisted suicide. For Life program resources, visit
Demonstrating our Dedication to Life
Tootsie Roll Drive for Special needs
Silver Rose Ceremony
Life Programs
The Supreme Council has designated certain programs as featured programs (*) in each of the program categories. When we conduct a featured program and satisfy the associated requirements, we will receive two credits toward the program category.
March for Life *
Show public support for the right to life.
The Knights of Columbus encourages others to choose life through public support of the pro-life cause. Knights can sponsor, promote, and participate in existing local, state, provincial and national marches. They can also organize bus trips. Councils in areas without existing events can organize new rallies, walks and marches on their own or by coordinating with other pro-life organizations.
How support life
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Special Olympics *
Celebrate the intrinsic worth and dignity of every single human being through the Special Olympics.
The Knights of Columbus has a unique relationship with the Special Olympics and has helped disabled athletes train for and compete in games around the world. Knights of Columbus councils have assisted with all aspects of the Special Olympics events from fundraising to feeding the athletes, organizing and judging events, and providing equipment and awards. Without the support of the Knights, participants would not be able to train for the events that they love.
How we dignity life
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Ultrasound Initiative *
Save lives and help women choose life by giving them the opportunity to view their unborn children on ultrasound machines at pro-life pregnancy centers.
This initiative is funded by state and local councils and matching grants from the Supreme Council’s Culture of Life Fund. The Knights of Columbus donates funds to purchase ultrasound machines for qualifying pregnancy centers. After the state and/or local council raises 50% of the cost, the Supreme Council will provide the other 50% to complete funding for purchase of an ultrasound. Or, if the council raises 100% of the cost of a vehicle outfitted to serve as a mobile medical unit for a pregnancy center, the Supreme Council will provide 100% of the funds for an ultrasound machine to be used in that vehicle. This program has specific guidelines. Be sure to consult your State Life Director or the Department of Fraternal Operations before beginning this program.
How we help women and save lives
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Pregnancy Center Support / ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) *
Change hearts and minds about abortion by showing that we love both mother and child before and after birth.
Thousands of pro-life pregnancy centers operate in jurisdictions throughout the Order. By the very nature of our founding, Knights of Columbus are called to care for the widow and orphan. Vulnerable unborn children and mothers experiencing unexpected pregnancies certainly fall within our mandate. With our aid, pregnancy centers can offer support to help women choose life. Councils can provide material, financial, and other support to pro-life pregnancy centers that help pregnant women during pregnancy and following the birth of their newborn children.
Through the ASAP (Aid and Support After Pregnancy) program, councils can contribute even more support to pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes. For every $500 a council donates to a qualifying pregnancy resource center or maternity home (up to maximum published seperately), the Supreme Council will donate $100 more. Visit for resources and to apply online.
How we change hearts and minds about abortion
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Additional Programs
Additional programs include:
- Christian Refugee Relief
- Silver Rose
- Mass for People with Special Needs
- Novena for Life
Other ways we grow in faith
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