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The Mystery of the Eucharist

Live your faith with the Knights of Columbus – Wheaton Agency presents.  This is an awesome video that really binds the Eucharist and the Mass together, with symbolic references back to Genesis.

Watch, then record your viewing to give the council credit by clicking here.

Daily Readings

RSS USCCB Daily Readings from the New American Bible Revised Edition
  • Wednesday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time September 18, 2024
    Reading 1 1 Cor 12:31-13:13 Brothers and sisters:Strive eagerly for the greatest spiritual gifts.But I shall show you a still more excellent way.If I speak in human and angelic tonguesbut do not have love,I am a resounding gong or a clashing cymbal.And if I have the gift of prophecyand comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge;if […]

News Feeds

RSS News from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
  • Be pilgrims, not tourists in life, pope tells young people September 17, 2024
    VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- To fully experience love and hope, young people must approach the journey of life as pilgrims and not just sightseers seeking the perfect selfie, Pope Francis said. "Do not be like superficial sightseers, blind to the beauty around you, never discovering the meaning of the roads you take, interested only in […]
  • Second synod session to open with penitential liturgy September 16, 2024
    VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The second session of the Synod of Bishops on synodality, set to bring 368 bishops, priests, religious and laypeople to the Vatican, will begin by asking forgiveness for various sins on behalf of all the baptized. As synod members did before last year's session, they will spend two days on retreat […]
  • Mind and heart: Church must combat mental health crisis, sister says September 13, 2024
    ROME (CNS) -- "The church has always been in spaces with people in extremely fragile situations, always," said Sister Idília Carneiro, the new superior general of the Sisters Hospitallers, and as global rates of mental illness continue to rise, she insisted that Catholics have an obligation to expand their ministries in addressing the crisis. The […]
  • Both US presidential candidates espouse anti-life views, pope says September 13, 2024
    ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM SINGAPORE (CNS) -- Asked what a U.S. Catholic given a choice between voting for a person who supports abortion or one who supports closing borders and deporting migrants, Pope Francis said one must choose "the lesser evil." "Who is the 'lesser evil' that woman or that man?" the pope asked, […]
  • In wealthy Singapore, pope urges care of the poor and migrants September 12, 2024
    SINGAPORE (CNS) -- Pope Francis praised Singapore and its citizens for their hard work and ingenuity, but he urged them to be mindful of the poor and of the migrant workers who do much of the hard labor. "I hope that special attention will be paid to the poor and the elderly -- whose labors […]