Mary of Bethany anointing Jesus' feet with perfumed oil.
Mary of Bethany anointing Jesus' feet with perfumed oil.

St. Francis of Assisi Ladies Auxiliary

Our mission and goal as a Catholic family-oriented organization is to assist the Knights of Columbus Council 8909, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, and other community organizations through charitable works in support of our Catholic values.

"Christ has no body on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion for the world is to look out; yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good; and yours are the hands with which He is to bless us now."

About Us

Wives and family members of Knights had been informally supporting the parish and the Knights of Columbus for quite a long time, but officially formed the Ladies Auxiliary in October 2022.  We meet on the first Wednesday of every month in the parish’s Assisi Hall at 7PM.

Ladies Auxiliary Installation
Officer Installation
Ladies Tea
Ladies Auxiliary Cleanup Day
Cleanup Day
Palisade Peach Sale Poster
Palisade Peach Sales


We support the St. Francis of Assisi Parish, often working alongside the Knights of Columbus Council 8909:

  • Parish Gift Shop Counter
  • Lenten Fish Fry
  • Blood Drive / Breakfast
  • County Fair Food Sales
  • Youth Middle School through High School Retreat and Mission Trip Fundraising Support
  • and more…

Community Outreach

We give financial support to a different community organization each year.  Past recipients include:

2024 Knights of Columbus Student Service Scholarship Recipient

Ladies Auxiliary 2024 Scholarship Award
Ladies Auxiliary 2024 Scholarship Award

In 2024, the Ladies Auxiliary participated in the Knights of Columbus Council 8909’s Christian Student Service Scholarship program and funded a scholarship for a qualifying young lady that exemplifies the Christian lifestyle of service.

The Ladies Auxiliary is proud to award this year’s recipient a cash grant of $1,500.00 to be used for the first academic year after graduation from High School, paid in two equal amounts of $750.00.

Palisade Peach Fundraiser

The Ladies Auxiliary sold Palisade Peaches this year as a fundraiser – and sold over 200 boxes of the best peaches in Colorado! 

Palisade Peach Sale Poster
Palisade Peach Sales
Palisade Peach fundraiser table
Palisade Peach fundraiser table
Palisade Peach fundraiser checking in
Palisade Peach fundraiser checking in
Palisade Peach fundraiser pickup tent
Palisade Peach fundraiser pickup tent

Contact us for more information

To learn more about the Ladies Auxiliary or to join, contact Carol Ballez at (720) 626-1629