Good day Brothers: There are only 6 days left to register for the 2024 Inferno Catholic Men’s Conference at the Antlers Hotel in Colorado Springs on November 9th! If you have never been before it is a very spiritual and uplifting day of Speakers and events throughout the day! You will not be disappointed I can guarantee you that! More Info and registration below.
November 4th is the Final Day to Sign up so do it Today!!

IMC24 (ABOVE) features Bishop Golka, Jimmy Wahlberg, Chris Stefanick, Brian Holdsworth, Voice of Reason and the Servants of Christ Jesus! There will be 6 different tracks including 2 young men’s tracks and a contemplative track (covering all ages and stages of your journey). Join 1,000 men on mission (sellout expected) for Adoration, Confession, Reliquary, Mass, Prayer, Vendor Hall, Breakout Sessions, Small Group & Fellowship! Our Lady of Walsingham’s Boys Choir will be singing for Mass and Adoration and there will be an optional concert by Ember Worship after the Conference. TEENAGE SONS COME FREE (ages 13-19, accompanied by dad). The young men’s tracks (2 tracks ages 13-15 & 16-18) will be age appropriate and professionally run with loads of support and space. We will also debut a Contemplative Track for those seeking to dive deeper into prayer & contemplation with the Servants of Christ Jesus. Help spread the word (invite a bro)! Please save the date and register today – if you need to change plans and can no longer attend, please let us know by All Saints Day (Nov 1st) and you will receive a FULL REFUND!At our first men’s conference in 2018 we had 100 men. Our Board Chair, Tom Waits, said we will get 1,000 men at this thing some day … let’s see if collectively (we need your help inviting/promoting) make this happen this year! “Sometimes it takes 1,000 men to reach the ONE!” AWAKE!“AWAKE oh sleeper! Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you!” – Ephesians 5:14 |